Welcome To Zombie Slayer!
Survive the horde
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Learn more about specific features of our game




Game World


Interactable Environment




Fight Enemies


Life System



We created a first-person VR action game in which the player survives against a continuously spawning horde of zombies. The player begins the game with 25 health. Our fully animated zombies pursue the player using a navigation mesh and attack once in range, reducing the player’s health by 1. If the player reaches 0 health, the game application quits.

To avoid damage from zombies, the player must move around. The player character has a full animation set for walking forward and backward, as well as turning. The character’s feet have inverse kinematics, allowing them to touch the ground whenever desired, including on uneven terrain.

To fight zombies, the player can use a sword, which has full physics via a rigidbody. Both the player’s hands and the sword also have trigger colliders. On contact between a hand collider and a sword collider, the player can grip the sword with a button on their controller.

The game takes place in a mountain valley with a village at its center. The player character spawns in a house whose door is interactable; it can be opened or closed by standing near it. The player can explore the hand-sculpted wilderness as far as the mountains.

Video Demo



The hard-working team behind it all

Talmadge Eller

Talmadge is a computer science student expecting to graduate from George Mason University in the spring of 2022. His hobbies include working on personal programming projects, playing electric guitar, web development, and reading.

Wren McQueary

Wren is a MS student in computer science, class of 2023.  Her field interests include VR telerobotics, video game design, autonomous robotics, and AI ethics.  She spends her free time doing volunteer research projects, playing Baldur’s Gate 3, and listening to Young Scrolls.

Noah Gross

Noah is a Computer Science undergraduate student at George Mason University, and he is expected to graduate in Spring 2022. He is interested in Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Web development and App development. When he is not studying or improving his coding abilities, he enjoys playing basketball, soccer, and working out.

James Overton

James is a Computer Science major that is slated to graduate in Spring of 2022. He enjoys watching and playing sports like basketball with his favorite basketball team being the Washington Wizards. James has interests in AI/ML and software development.

Mominur Rashid

Rashid is a senior at George Mason University in Computer Science. His focus is on networking, and AI. His expected graduation is in May 2022. He likes to play guitar, and watch movies in his free time.